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The Second Transnational Project Meeting (TPM-2)

News Italy

Our 2nd Transnational Project Meeting (TPM-2) was held in Montefiascone on 27 - 28 April 2022, hosted by our Italian partner Istituto Istruzione Scolastica Superiore 'CARLO ALBERTO DALLA CHIESA' school. All project partners attended the meeting and there were 14 participants including the host.

The main agenda items of the meeting are; assessing the progress of the project, discussing and planning future tasks, evaluating monitoring reports, discussing dissemination efforts and discussing intellectual outputs.

At the end of the meeting, planning was made for the completion of the intellectual outputs, since the project will be finished at the end of December. It was also agreed to focus more on dissemination efforts. On the other hand, it has been agreed that the first idea will be completed by the end of May, the second intellectual output by August and the last intellectual output by the end of September.

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